Yoshka came to us right after the New Year, 1998. He
was bred by and spent his first 10.5 weeks with Sigrid Cargile
in Prundale, California. Together with Kevin, her then 8 year
old son, Sigrid did a tremendous job of giving Yoshka and his
five litter mates a perfect start into their life. I visited Yoshka
about twice a week starting when he was 4.5 weeks old. Because
of prior arrangements, we could not pick him up till after all
his siblings had left and Sigrid took extra care of training him
so we got a crate trained, almost house broken puppy - not a bad
deal ;-)
His puppy hood seemed
to fly by in no-time. We started training right away with first
puppy kindergarten, intermediate classes, moving on to Novice
Obidience. Every day he got to play with his littermate Basie,
establishing a very special relationship
with her. Sooner than I would have liked he became a teenager,
lifting his legs and becomming interested in girls. Training
became a little more of a challange but we worked through it.
Now he has become a handsome man,
healthy, athletic, affectioned, and smart. It is amazing what
a difference a couple
of years make.
Yoshka is the perfect mix of a couch potato and a Turbo-Berger
- enough energy to race around with other dogs, thus calm and
relaxed at home. He loves to hang out with his Leo
friends and family, either chase around the yard, take walks
together, do some obidience routines or just relax on the lawn.
There are also a few non
Leo-friends that are terrific playmates and keep him happy.

Yoshka is a working
dog. He has finished his LCA Companion Dog Excellent Title
and he is one leg short of his ASCA CDX. He earn the High in
Trial at the LCA 2003 Specialty in Healdsburg with 194 points
in Open.
At the LCA 2000 Specialty in Seaside, the LCA 2003 Specialty
in Healdsburg, as in smaller shows before and after, he proved
that he is not just a wonderful working dog but also an excellent
representative (show
results) of the breed. He earned his chanmpionship title
in 2000 and is approved by the Leonberger Club of America for
Stud Services (click here for his pedigree
with pictures and "Vital
Stud Statistics"). In Fall 2001 his first litter
was born. Lately Yoshka has been concentrating on Beach
Play and being cute!
If you still do not know what kind of dog Yoshka is, go to
this page
(it is a rather large file so it will take some time to download
- if you have seen the center spread in the LeoLetter you do
not need to go there ;-).