Photo Gallery


Yoshka's Photo Gallery


There is so much joy in taking good pictures of your dog. He will not stay forever, but I will always have photographs of him associated with great memories.

Yoshka, of course, has been my absolute favorite photo model in the last ten years. My skills as photographer and the quality of my equipment grew up with him. Unlike some dogs, he actually loves the attention of picture taking. He will patiently stay (standing, sitting or lying) in the same position over several minutes in order for me to try to get the "perfect" shot. When we used to go to the beach once a week, I swear he would seek out a dune,to position himself on top of it and then look at me as to say - how is this pose ;-). He might not be a National Specialty winner but I would argue with anybody that some of the best pictures ever taken of a Leonberger are his. He has been featured in the Swiss, the German and the US Leonberger Club publication. I have seen pictures of him "taken" from my web page to be featured on other Leonberger web pages. Again, most of the pictures I took by myself with no help handling him because I trained him well to stay in the position I place him.